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Overview Articles on Assessment, Litigation, and Settlement

M. Keet, H. Heavin and S. Sparrow, “Anticipating and Managing the Psychological Cost of Civil Litigation”, (2017) 34(1) Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 73H.


H. Heavin, M. Keet, and J. Lande, “Litigation Interest and Risk Assessment: Help Your Clients Make Good Litigation Decisions”, (2020) American Bar Association.


M. Keet, “Litigation Risk Assessment as Tool to Enhance Negotiation”, (2017) 19(1) Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 17.


M. Keet, “Informed Decision-Making in Judicial Mediation and the Assessment of Litigation”, (May 2017) Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution.


H. Heavin and M. Keet, “A Spectrum of Tools to Support Litigation Risk Assessment:  Promise and Limitations”, (2017) 15 Canadian Journal of Law and Technology 265.


H. Heavin and M. Keet, “Skating to Where the Puck Will be:  Exploring Settlement Counsel and Risk Analysis in the Negotiation of Commercial Disputes” (2013) 76(2) Saskatchewan Law Review  191.

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